Alexa Internet ranked ISA Inc. now in top 250 sites in the Philippines
Alexa Internet ranked ISA Inc. now in top 250 sites in the Philippines
The website of Integrated Security and Automation, Inc. ( is currently ranking among the top 250 websites in the Philippines based upon it’s Alexa Ranking. It is now holds an Alexa Philippine Traffic Rank of 235and 129,551 Global Rank. If one considers that this metric is based on all global sites visited by visitors from the Philippines. No even a single competitors website can match (in our same business line “Security System Integration and Automation”). Our Philippine competitors website not even measured and included in Alexa Traffic Rank list due to poor website visitors and poor page views.Facebook holds the number 1 slot for visitors from the Philippines followed by Google, Google Philippines, YouTube, Yahoo and ABS-CBN news website, the only local website that make it to the Top 10 list. The Traffic Rank of ISA, Inc. measured against more than 700 million websites globally.
Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based subsidiary company of which provides commercial web traffic data. In simple terms, Alexa Traffic Rank is a rough measure of a website’s popularity, compared with all the others out there on the internet, taking into account both the number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit. Alexa is considered as the top web traffic ranking service.
We are going to share to you a short history of the site. Before the launch of the new ISA Inc. website last September 2013 Alexa ranked us 3M+ globally and not included in Philippine database list due to poor web visitors and pageviews. There was very little inquiries came from the internet and the ISA Inc website didn’t even display to the first 50 searched results of any search engine provider.The new ISA website has changed all of these, one by one ISA website top the searched results in our target market keywords and the internet queries continuously coming and growing. ISA Inc. is proud to be a catalyst of change in the Security System Integration and Automation industry.